Sunday, December 7, 2008

Dealing with the Material - Sunday Reflections

In our project, we are not writing down transcripts word for word. In the editing process we have culled each of the original interviews which range from 5 - 60 minutes long, down to a "string out" form - what we consider outstanding soundbites. We will include each of these first "culls" on a CD in the form of quick time movies so our process and progress can be tracked (and if we can include them online - we will do that as well.)

Now we are taking each of the "culled" interviews and placing them on the edit timeline - where themes begin to emerge. This will take several days and we intend for the final edit to run about 25 minutes. So far themes include:

-What works in a courtroom (mainly intimacy - access to the players)
-Anecdotes of what does not work.
-A scene of Brenda and me walking around the Berryville courtroom and examining a defendent's chair and how that might effect the process of justice.
-Security issues - post 9/11 and how they have effected the justice process.
-The bathroom and its place in the concept of justice.

More soon on this...

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